I have dry fit the motor into the tubular motor well and mocked up a skeg and guard. Here are some pics including the ones I thought were lost yesterday. The digital world is a mystery to this old carpenter.
Here is the mostly apart head just before i was able to remove the control panel's last two screws.
And now all is apart. The blue knob unit is the speed control, forward and reverse.
And here is what will get inserted up through the motor well.
A view of the skeg mockup from the bow
And a bit closer. The white collar is a bit I had to cut off one of the thru hulls and now am using it as a temporary spacer. Will try to find something better before we are finished.
This is a close up showing the cutout in the skeg (2 x 12 x 54 inch white oak) the trailing edges of which will be feathered to eliminate turbulence on the prop. The top projection on the skeg is to add support to the metal (now in the form of a piece of tubing) protection of the prop and motor. I am considering bringing the metal down in front of the prop, almost vertical to give it more strength. Can you picture it? I want to use 3/4 black iron pipe for the metal guard, maybe have it let into the top of the skeg and terminating in a threaded plate (can't remember the correct name) on the flat in fromt of the prop. The pic does not show it well but there is plenty of room. I realize I should have put something while behind the motor to make it all more clear. Click on the pics to enlarge.
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