Wondering how to eliminate the slight amount of slop in the fit of the shaft in the thru-hull fittings I cam up with the idea of using o-rings. Was able to find just the right ones. The plan it to push the o-ring about 3/4 inch into the thru-hull, both top and bottom of the tubular motor well and fill the space with epoxy thickened with cabosil? The shaft will be wrapped round with poly film to keep it from sticking to the shaft. When cured the epoxy will make a nice snug bushing.
O-Ring around shaft makes a nice snug fit and will keep the epoxy from running through. Before pouring epoxy, ring will be pushed down about 3/4 inch.
Clamp found in a box of junk at the local dump will hold shaft in place. There will be a block of wood on each side to assist and take up the space between clamp and thwart. I cut new shims for the bottom just one degree more than the last ones and now the motor well is in better alignment. Next problem to solve will be what kind of betting to set the whole works in. Any suggestions? Harry Bryan made some excellent suggestions about what kind of steering arm would work well in this situation. Now I need to fugue out how to attach it.