Scarfing the bottom panels together into one piece. Scarf is 8 to 1
What seemed like endless strokes of the plane...
Finally able to join the two pieces.
The slight warp in the plywood is an advantage as it will help conform to the rocker in the hull, here it is upside down waiting for a layer of fiberglass before flipping over onto the hull,
and here it is, all glued in place an trimmed to fit.
Pretty lines, looks just like a dory should.
Another shot of the trimmed off bottom, and
here she is being turned over. The come-a-long at each end makes it easy.
Not sure why this photo is here, shows the new center plank on the deck.
Right side up showing off her new bottom
hmmm, how did this get here
Before inside of garboard was stripped by scraping and sanding with 60 grit in my dustless Fein RO sander. Wish I had bought it years ago.
More sanding the inside.
Bow eye parts replaced and epoxied into the opening. Replaces part the crumbled, the rest seems fine.
Transom covered with 1/2 marine fir, top section will have to wait.
Fiber glass in place, no need to make cuts, glass followed the lines perfectly. Surprise!
Went well and looks great.
Hull flipped for more inside work.
Only bit of rot back where garboard joins transom. Dug it all out and then filled.
Intermediate floors in place to stiffen bottom and support floor boards
Another shot of floors. Fillet has been put along joint of garboard and new bottom, weave filled and ready for next step. All for now.